The opening jam of the month is Apricot, jobs ticked off include repainting the corridors and clearing out the workshops, and it's definitely cold enough to need your jerseys!!
SPECIAL EVENTS: WINTER 2025 BURN’S SUPPER: SATURDAY 25TH JANUARY: 7-10PM in the café. celebrate the bard with a WEE BIT O’ A FUNDRAISER and A nosh up! £30 per head All the traditional fare is on offer for this 3-course meal with music and speeches. Book via Dietary requirements can be notified to [email protected] POTATO DAY: SUNDAY 9TH FEBRUARY: 11AM-2PM: IN THE ALLOTMENTS BARN Get your organic seed potatoes here, we will have ~14 varieties on offer! Bring a bag and cash [non-copper change is especially appreciated!] Cake, Tea and Coffee available- and potato themed dishes in the café! WEDNESDAYS: 5pm – 6pm: COMMUNITY MEAL: Our weekly, home-cooked community meal for anyone wanting good food and company. You can book for free at so we make enough nosh! Haggis is likely to sneak onto the menu at some point! ART FROM NATURE: TUESDAYS 5-7PM, 14TH JAN THROUGH 18TH FEB: Varied programme planned. Pay what you feel [suggested donation £4 per week.] No experience needed, and no need to attend all sessions. Any questions, or want to book? Email [email protected] ADULT ADHD ‘MANAGEMENT’ COURSE: WINTER/ SPRING COURSE: TUESDAYS 21st January through 25th February 2025, 6:30pm - 8:00pm, getting full! ADDITIONAL TIME 4:15-5:45pm NOW ON OFFER! Understand your ADHD brain, find/ gain strategies for daily life, make supportive connections. Subsidised £25 course fee for 6 weeks- priority to Bridgend Community members & neighbours - discounts may be available for low income/ unwaged. Contact [email protected] for details/ to book. STAINED GLASS WORKSHOPS: SELECTED SATURDAYS: 10AM-~3:30PM Winter/ Spring Dates – Last Date Remaining - March 22nd! Make your own agate tealight holder, all materials and tuition supplied. Cost £25 [£20 with neighbour card]. Book via [email protected] BRIDGEND FARMHOUSE WHAT’S ON: OUR CAFÉ IS OPEN THIS WEEK: WED - SUN 11am – 4pm (last orders for hot meals: 2:30pm) Delicious scones, cakes, hot meals, drinks. Daily specials. Vegetarian and vegan options available. ONSITE PARKING: IS LIMITED TO BLUE BADGE HOLDERS AND OUR LESS MOBILE CUSTOMERS: Please come by foot, bike, or scooter or on public transport if you can. The 24, 33, 38, & 49 buses stop just outside. Cameron Toll Shopping Centre has parking only a few minutes’ walk away. TO HELP MAINTAIN LOCAL GOODWILL PLEASE DO NOT BLOCK THE RESIDENTS’ PARKING NEAR THE ROADSIDE GATE, OR THE LARGE ALLOTMENTS ACCESS GATE. THE BIKE WORKSHOP IS Open for hires, sales, repairs & other maintenance, and bike donations ON Wed,Fri & Sat, 11am-4pm]. For drop offs/ appointments/ enquiries, please use [email protected] / 07591 882 779. REGULAR WEEKLY ACTIVITIES (gardening/outdoor/cycling activities listed separately at end) TUESDAY 2pm – 3.30pm: “TALK TIME” WELLBEING GROUP. Our regular drop-in providing a space to come and chat about how you’re doing and listen to others in a relaxed, supportive environment. Open to all. You can let us know you are coming via [email protected] or just pop along. 1:30pm-3:30pm: WORDS FOR WELLBEING. Create and learn with Ellie from Word Well. [Cost £6/£5 per session]. New Term details to be confirmed WEDNESDAY 10am – 11am: WALKING GROUP: Meet at the farmhouse. The group goes on short, local walks at a relaxed, chatty pace, led by trained Health Walk leaders. 10am-noon: NATURE PLAY: In the bothy/ play space with Trees and Seas Outdoor Adventures Book via their website for assorted child-led outdoor activities from crafts and construction, to bug hunts and bushcraft. For children 6 & under and their carers. PLUS… STAY and PLAY: Typically 1ST Saturday of the month [next event TBC] FORESTS FOR ALL: Usually 2nd Saturday of the month [next event TBC] 11am – 12pm, Alternate weeks, W/shop 3: WELL BEING WOMEN’S GROUP: This group is an opportunity to chat in a friendly, welcoming environment over tea and biscuits, no subject is off limits. Next meeting date 15th January. [Note there’s no need to book for 'normal' meetings]. 2pm - 4pm: ARTS AND CRAFTS WEDNESDAYS: Suitable for all experience levels. Informal - bring your own projects & get some ideas, hints, & tips from your fellow participants. This is a facilitated session so assistance would be available. 5.30pm – 8.30pm WOODCRAFT with Oliver . FREE! Learn wood working skills with an experienced woodcarver, in workshop 4. Booking now required due to high numbers - [email protected] THURSDAY *Relaunched Activity* 10am-1pm: Making for BRIDGEND Group Reuse materials to create items for sale in our café and at external events. Products include fabric crafts, cards & jewellery. Tea‘n’biscuits & cheery chat provided. Proceeds from sales go directly to further farmhouse’s work & aims of self-sustainability. Contact [email protected] for more info. 6pm - 8pm THURSDAY CRAFT CLUB: Workshop 3 £4 per session Bring along your own craft project to sit with likeminded crafters who enjoy a cup of tea, a bit of cake and a bit of banter in a casual relaxed atmosphere, swapping crafting tips. Spaces are limited by the room size, and they only meet when there’s folk booked - please do this via [email protected] FRIDAY 2pm-3pm ADULTS’ YOGA: Whether you are new to or familiar with yoga these classes will help you develop balance, strength & flexibility through movement & stretching. Book via [email protected] and pay on the day [£4, or £3 with neighbours’ card]. GARDENING AND OUTDOOR ACTIVITIES For either set of sessions - first timers/ visitors/ workers sussing us out, etc should arrive between 11:30am and noon only please. GET GARDENING: TUESDAY AND / OR FRIDAY, 10.30AM – 3.30PM Note: Recruitment paused until January 25. We welcome gardening volunteers to help us manage our gardening allotment plots. Lunch provided. To register interest please email [email protected] or [email protected] . THE BIG WEDNESDAY AND SUNDAY SESSIONS: SUNDAY AND / OR WEDNESDAY, 11am – 3pm Note: Recruitment paused until January 25. These volunteers’ activity sessions are outdoors. Expect tasks from gardening, to re-building walls, & everything in-between. There will also be a supervised, coached, woodwork offering. Lunch provided. If you haven’t been before, please phone 0131 564 0068 or email [email protected]. CYCLING RELATED ACTIVITIES: BOOKING ESSENTIAL WHEELY FUN FRIDAYS with ‘A Wee Pedal’. At, or starting at, at Bridgend Farmhouse! Supported by Cycling Scotland, & Paths for All. Suggested donations in brackets [£]. Booking essential via [email protected] INCLUDING… GUIDED BIKE RIDES: Winter Rides run 1-3pm on the first Friday of the month only, November –March, next ride 7th February. Pace is gentle and social on mostly flat, off main road, routes. Destinations vary within an 8-10 mile range – the group has visited the Meadows, Portobello Beach, and more. Hire an e-bike [£5] or borrow a pedal bike for free [Helmets included]. Children welcome - but must be accompanied by, and be, a capable rider. AND… BASIC BIKE MAINTENANCE Monthly sessions [on the last Friday of the month] will resume in the Spring. Updated December 2023
There are many ways to help Bridgend Farmhouse maintain its facilities and carry on its activities; please consider one or more of them if you are able. Direct to our bank account! Saves transaction fees and commission. One off gifts or regular gifts of any size are most welcome - account details are “Bridgend Farmhouse”, sort code 08-92-99 [The Co-operative Bank] account number 65855258. We are also happy to accept cash, cheques, or card payments onsite or online. We have an Edinburgh Community Lottery Page Edinburgh Community Lottery is a weekly lottery brought to you by EVOC. When you buy a ticket for £1 you will be entered into a draw to win cash prizes. We get 50p per ticket sold through our page, and you have a 1 in 50 chance of winning a prize! More info at We are on Easyfundraising Sign up today - it will make a BIG difference to us this year and you can earn for us while you spend! Choose Bridgend Farmhouse and sign up to support us for FREE on #easyfundraising. You can raise donations whenever you shop online with over 7,000 brands including John Lewis & Partners, eBay, Argos, M&S and more. Plus, once you've raised your first £5, easyfundraising will double it! We are on JustGiving! Head to to make a donation, set up a regular donation, create a fundraiser on our behalf, or support the endeavours of another fundraiser! If you’re not in a position to donate, a share of any appeals would be great! Did our eco-bothy project capture your imagination? We are still accepting funds towards its finishing touches and compost toilet addition. Surplus funds will go towards ongoing maintenance costs. You can donate at to have your contribution earmarked towards this aspect of our operation. Said Eco-Bothy and its associated play area are now available for hire. Ask for more information via [email protected] Would you like to support our peace garden collaboration? For this we are working with 3 other charities - the Multi-Cultural Family Base, Home Link Family Support and Peace & Justice. There’s a crowd-funder underway and your donation will have double value due to Aviva Community Fund matching the monies contributed- for fuller details look here. Gift Aid is Great! Have you made a donation in the last 4 years, or are you planning to donate now [by either standing order or one-off donation]? Are you also a taxpayer? We could get up to 25p extra for every £1 you donate at no cost to you. Download the form at or request it via email to [email protected] [If you donate via JustGiving this is processed by them, if applicable, so no need to fill our declaration] Use our Facilities/ Services Our Meeting Room, the Marquee, and the Bothy Space [with play area] are also available to hire. Our Café is open 5 days a week for meals, snacks and regular sales of Bridgend Produce – with everything grown or made at Bridgend Farmhouse available within- no need to wait until our regular Markets! Social Media Shares, likes, comments, votes, and similar positive attention will never go amiss; it all counts for their algorithms! *Awards including The Queen’s Award for Community Service |