Bridgend Farmhouse Big Bike Revival Scheme for Key Workers
We are no longer able to lend bikes to key workers, but we can undertake repairs for you by appointment only using the details below.
Have a bike which you’d like to donate? - Please contact Shaun or Kevin using the details below and we will make that available to Key workers.
Contact details email [email protected] or call 07591882779
Have a bike which you’d like to donate? - Please contact Shaun or Kevin using the details below and we will make that available to Key workers.
Contact details email [email protected] or call 07591882779
The Big Bike Revival Scotland Scheme is funded and supported by Cycling UK. It is aimed at giving you the confidence to cycle to work whilst following social distancing guidelines and keeping yourself both physically and mentally healthy. We are here to support key workers during the Coronavirus outbreak.
Terms and Conditions:
Terms and Conditions:
- Existing bike loans are valid up until 30 August 2020 but must be renewed each month to ensure they are still needed.
- In participating in the scheme, the participant agrees to take part in a future evaluation and monitoring survey. A survey will be sent out at the beginning and the end of the scheme by Cycling UK.
- All bike loans and maintenance or servicing is subject to availability.
- Goods remain the property of Bridgend Farmhouse and must be returned in the same condition as they are received.