Real Fast Food Project
We are pleased to have received funding from the Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations (SCVO) to run a whole new food project.
Building on our past training cafes, 4-5 keen amateur cooks will work under a professional chef, Eric Fernandez-Baca Manning, to prepare healthy 2-course meal for up to 24 individuals at a time. This will then be chilled, packed and delivered to those in need of a warm nutritious meal in the communities surrounding the Farmhouse. Food can either be collected from us or we will deliver using an electric bike – converted in our own Bike Workshop. All food will be packaged in sustainable, compostable containers, sourced through Vegware, Edinburgh. Meal deliveries will be to areas local to the farmhouse. This is a new challenge for us, and with support from SPOKES and our very own electric bike whizz kid, Al Hutchison of The Bike Spark, we aim to address food issues while demonstrating the possibilities of sustainable delivery systems and all with a perspective that focuses on health and fun. We are initially running a 14-week trial of the project offering chill-cooked food to local people in need. After several weeks of trialling we will be taking referrals through housing organisations, carers and other organisations working to address food issues in South East Edinburgh. We will then run 8 weekly rolling cycles providing 2 course meals. Our aim is also to show that food can be tasty, satisfying and healthy! If you are interested in participating in some capacity and want to know more, please get in touch with us via the Contact form at the bottom of this page.
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