This page is part of our archives and as such at least some of the information it contains is likely to be outdated
Bridgend Farmhouse community share issue launched on Sunday September 2nd, closed on Mon November 5th 2018....
Update coming soon...
Our community share issue, where supporters and members can become co-operative owners of Bridgend Farmhouse is now open.
This gives you the opportunity to support our project, and help us towards the final funding required for the renovation and beyond, by purchasing shares in Bridgend Farmhouse. This page will provide updates throught the period of the share issue.
Our Crowdfunder page is now live.
We aim to sell most of our share issue via Crowdfunder, which will be the simplest method for most people and keeps administrative oveheads lower for us, so please invest in this way if you can. Otherwise we have a paper based form below that you can dowload.
Update coming soon...
Our community share issue, where supporters and members can become co-operative owners of Bridgend Farmhouse is now open.
This gives you the opportunity to support our project, and help us towards the final funding required for the renovation and beyond, by purchasing shares in Bridgend Farmhouse. This page will provide updates throught the period of the share issue.
Our Crowdfunder page is now live.
We aim to sell most of our share issue via Crowdfunder, which will be the simplest method for most people and keeps administrative oveheads lower for us, so please invest in this way if you can. Otherwise we have a paper based form below that you can dowload.
Our FAQs regarding our share offer are listed and answered in the document here that you can download, or you can read them on our Shares FAQS page
Our full shares issue brochure:
The brochure gives an accurate a picture of the share offer at the time it went to print. Please be aware that since then the Board has modified some aspects of the share offer and wishes to clarify other aspects. In particular there is no longer a minimum target of £30,000 and all money invested will be accepted. We also wish to make it clearer that you may be able to reduce your tax liability through investing and we will offer assistance with that but cannot guarantee tax relief as that is a HMRC decision, based on your personal circumstances. |
If you choose to invest but are not planning to use Crowdfunder, or you would prefer instead to donate money rather than buy shares, you can do either of these by downloading this document:
If you are a tax payer, you may be able to get 50% of your investment back through a tax-incentive scheme to encourage investment in social and new enterprises(SEIS). We have written to HMRC and we have a letter of assurance that our share offer qualifies for this. More details in this document:
Our current financial forecast summary, based on a successful share issue, is here:
The rules of Bridgend Farmhouse Community Benefit Society are here:
For general information on Community Shares have a look at the video here and visit: